The 12th Annual Conference of China Industrial Technology Association of Economics & Management Institutes and The First International Conference on Management, Innovation& Development (MID2014)

Publish Time:2014/6/28 9:49:45

China Industrial Technology Association of Economic &

Management  Institutes was founded in 1983, being the

national level academic  mass organizations  affiliated

to Xian Jiao Tong University . It engages in the

combination of technology  and economy research

and practice. Study members throughout the north China,

northeast, northwest, central China, east China, southwest,

southern China and other regions. Most of the members engages

in technology trading, economic  statistics, logistics management,

technical economic, standardized management,  electronic

commerce, technology management, technology, operation

management etc.

 The 12th Annual Conference of China Industrial Technology Association

 of Economics & Management Institutes will be held on

 School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University.

Topics referenced:

Strategic Management, Corporate Governance, Commercial Model Innovation, Enterprise Competitiveness, Brand Strategy, Financial Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Strategic Human Resources, Transportation Organization and Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, Electronics Business, Technology Management, Entrepreneurial Management, Culture Industry and New Media, Tourism Strategy and Management, Supply Chain Management, Organizational Change, etc.

All accepted papers of the meeting will be listed by Eastern Academic Forum (Australia) in form of monographs as a seminar literature. Papers employed in this session shall be indexed by ISTP/ISSHP after reviewed and compiled by International Authoritative Searching Agency (CPCI).

Meanwhile, to fully enhance frequency of citation and quotation, the full pages of papers accepted at this session shall be accessible and can be indexed at Australia SEI Database; the related monograph shall be issued in 200 universities and research institutions all over the world.

Certificates will be awarded to winners, ranging from First Second to Third Ranking, for their outstanding essays. The outstanding dissertation employed by the symposium will be revised and complemented before officially published and listed in such international Periodicals as Management & Engineering and Contemporary Logistics before included by Cambridge Science Abstract within 6 months and meanwhile recommended to EI.

Exceptionally outstanding essays recruited and employed by the seminar shall be revised and supplemented and then give a top priority to be recommended to Management World, China Industrial Economics, China Soft Science Magazine, and Modernization of Management among other publications, etc.

Important Dates:

  • Dates for submission - 10.12
  • Notification of acceptance - 10.17
  • Payment Due Dates - 10.20
  • Meeting Time - 10.25-10.26

Submission Email


School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University
Contact Information:
Dr. JING: 15600562385 (010)51687186
Dr. ZHAO: 18801070506 (010)51687079

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